A color scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.5.x, 1.6, 1.7.x ........
Required to use this scheme:
- Any of the above versions of Kaleidoscope (Preferably the most recently released version.)
If you don't have the control panel Kaleidoscope, by Greg Landweber, you can donload the latest version from from: <http://www.kaleidoscope.net>.
1. Drop this scheme into your "Kalidoscope Color Schemes" folder which is located in your "extensions" folder inside the "system folder". (or onto an alias of the "Kalidoscope Color Schemes" folder placed on e.g. your desktop.)
2. Open the Kaleidoscope control panel and select the "Blue Clue" scheme in the list.
3. Set the Finder window color to 60 % red, 60 % green and 100 % blue.
Version history
1.0.1 (Oct 15. 1997)
- added indeterminate progress bar
- replaced the scroll bar thumbs
- other minor improvements
1.0 (Jun 10. 1997)
-Initial release
Blue Clue is freeware. If you like it, I woudn't mind if you sent me an e-mail.
Blue Clue was tested with SchemeChecker and reported as being bug free. For more information on SchemeChecker, visit SchemeChecker's info page at: <http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/9346/scinfo.html>
Three mosquitos were killed while writing this ReadMe. On the other hand, no whales were killed, so all animal lovers should be quite happy.